Grammar, conjugation and conversation

Tangier Institute

Braness Quarter, near the café Nawras


April 6st to June 26th 2018

Need info?

00212 668 334 622

It’s too easy! What is?

Arabic grammar of course!

A lot of students apprehend Arabic grammar but when it is well taught it is actually simple and logical.

During this grammar initiation course, you will quickly notice your progress and your ability to analyse grammar.

Verbal conjugation will become easy for you no matter what the verb. You will be able to conjugate every verb of the Arabic language.

During the 3 months, we will also study texts and conversations to continue to expand our vocabulary.


You can register if you know how to write and read Arabic, and also speak moderately well.

If not, please subscribe to the  “Learning to speak Arabic“.


  • Men : 7 am to 9:30 am or 9:30 am to 12 pm Mondays to Fridays.
  • Women : 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm Mondays to Thursdays.


The Tangier Institute has created an extremely rich, efficient  and easy program.

You will have 6 books: 3 books for grammar rules and 3 books to improve your oral expression .

These books are made for non-Arabic speakers and will allow quick progress and the comprehension of Arabic grammar and more…


  • Registration fees: 35€ (once per year)
  • 3 months: 295€
  • Tools: Information on site

Arabic grammar here I come!

Période souhaitée (obligatoire) / Desired period (required)

Sexe / Sex

Homme / ManFemme / Woman

Votre nom et prénom (obligatoire) / Name and surname (required)

Votre n° de passeport (obligatoire) / Passport n° (required)

Photo de votre passeport (obligatoire) / Passport photo (required)

Votre nationalité (obligatoire) / Nationality (required)

Votre âge (obligatoire) / Age (required)

Votre adresse postale (obligatoire) / Postal address (required)

Votre email (obligatoire) / Email address (required)

Votre numéro de téléphone (obligatoire) / Phone number (required)

Une information complémentaire ? / Additional information?

Je certifie avoir pris connaissances du règlement intérieur ainsi que des tarifs en vigueur / I hereby certify that I am aware of the present regulations and rates

Je m'engage a régler la totalité des frais dès le début des cours / I will pay the full cost at the beginning of the course